The curriculum as a component of education in higher education occupies an important position and is the heart of education. Therefore the curriculum is responsible for bringing the vision and mission of the university, faculty and study programs into creating graduates according to the desired profile. According to conservative philosophy, the mission of education is to maintain the values ​​that are considered noble from generation to generation so that the curriculum tends to have permanent characteristics. Meanwhile, according to the progressive philosophy, it states that humans need to develop themselves in order to survive and answer dynamic environmental problems; therefore the curriculum should be flexible and dynamic. This curriculum reformation contains two missions at the same time, namely affirming good values ​​as well as being responsive to dynamic changes. Change for the sake of change in both technology and society (society) has been global in nature and become challenges for higher education. The issuance of Permendikbud numbers 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of 2020 concerning SNPT, Free and Independent Learning Campuses triggered by the industrial revolution 4.0 and society 5.0 that has transformed into new demands and challenges for higher education. Global change is inevitable and accordingly demands a significant role for study programs in leading students to successfully navigate life in an era of disruption and win the competition in the era of globalization.


Curriculum reformulation of all study programs in the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Muhammadiyah Malang is very relevant to be carried out in connection with the various demands of the 21st century that must be faced intelligently. The problems of the 21st century are characterized by VUCA, namely a volatile situation, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, these four characteristics are known as disruption (Kasali, 2017). The urge to reform the curriculum is getting stronger with the emergence of the following five national and local issues (1) The Professional Teacher Education Program’s ability to absorb alumni of academic programs from LPTKs, which only ranges from 15 to 40%, (2). The new direction of KPT which demands realization of competencies is facilitated by the BUMN (state enterprises) industry apprenticeship program or non-BUMN, (3). The affirmation and harmonization of the courses in supporting competency certificates for professional choice of as appealed by LSP (4), The synchronization with the latest Ministry of Education and Culture policies, namely independent and independent learning campuses, and (5) Internationalization of UMM campuses.


Curriculum reformulation is carried out by following steps which include evaluation, synchronization, integration and harmonization of the inevitable new demands. Therefore, this reformulation step follows the standard procedures that apply in curriculum preparation, namely reviewing alumni profiles, CPL study programs, teaching materials, determining courses, SKS loads and curriculum maps. With this curriculum reformulation, the output of graduates is expected to be able to answer the challenges of major changes in every aspect of life which is very volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. The results of the reformulation of this curriculum apply to students of 2020/2021 and beyond.

Referring to the Rector’s statement (Batam Workshop, January 31, 2020), it is highly recommended that the learning process for each subject be carried out with a workshop model that is managed with block techniques. The block technique in question is that several meetings are combined into an intensive meeting unit with duration of 3 to 4 days. With this workshop model, 16 lecture meetings can be compressed into 2 blocks and each block is equivalent to 8 meetings. In one semester, it can be divided into two blocks where the first block is used to master the scientific theory of the course and the second block is carried out to implement the results of mastering theory in the form of a project plan or business plan (course product). So every workshop always respects the process and is oriented towards student products. The implementation of this workshop model expands the practice of professional program learning (PPG) into academic education. Therefore, the learning mode using the internet (online) can be considered as a way to manage the learning system of a course. The use of the workshop model automatically leads to the Project Based Learning method, a learning method that is synchronous with an effort to strengthen students' higher order thinking skills (HOTS).

All demands addressed to study programs are a momentum to reformulate the curriculum so that the study program can answer correctly and quickly to problems that occur. Previously, the study program had attempted to compile a curriculum based on KBK and KKNI that was anticipatory to today's needs, but there was an urge to prepare answers to the latest demands, so the curriculum must also be anticipatory to the latest developments in global life which is experiencing disruption. The curriculum of the Biology Education study program is open to evaluation and always seeks to adapt to the demands of a developing environment from various sides. This curriculum reformulation is scheduled to answer five main challenges as well as national policies as outlined in the Republic of Indonesia's Minister of Education and Culture Regulation number 3 of 2020 concerning SNPT, national policies regarding independent learning, KPBI policies concerning synchronization of the Academic Education curriculum and Teacher Professional Education, and UMM campus policies related to harmonization with certification, professional competence and internationalization of study programs. Through curriculum reformulation, the study program intends to answer all challenges to provide the best service for customers.

The reformulation document that was carried out in stages by involving as many related parties as experts, formulation teams at the study program level, stakeholders including alumni and alumni users is expected to be ready to be implemented for students of the 2020/2021 class. Therefore, the consequence of the issuance of this reformulation curriculum is the socialization for the same perception among lecturers and the implementation plan workshop so that the implementation is really well prepared and does not experience significant obstacles. Shared perceptions are the initial key that supports the implementation plan. The preparation of a new syllabus with content standards, process standards and evaluation standards as in the reformulated curriculum document is the next important stage that must be met. It is hoped that the implementation of the reformulated curriculum will be able to lead students to meet the desired alumni profile, namely having Islamic faith, having a noble Muhammadiyah personality and proficiency in science and technology in the field of education as well as excel in competing at the international level.
