PLP Online, Breakthrough for School Internships from FTTE UMM

Saturday, July 04, 2020 13:45 WIB   Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Keep Moving Forward FTTE!. The existence of the COVID 19 virus will not be a barrier for FTTE UMM to continue to equip students to know world education through PLP(Pengenalan Lapangan Persekolahan) Online or previously known as internships. The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang has never stopped innovating even though it is currently in a pandemic era. This is exciting news for the students of the English Language Education Department, Indonesian Language Education and Literature Department, Biology Education Department, Elementary School Teacher Education Department, Mathematics Education Department, and the Civics Education Department which are under the auspices of the FTTE because there is no need to worry about not being able to take PLP because the Guidelines for Online PLP are already in place. Run by the PLP and Microteaching Unit in the current situation.

As one of the nationally superior Educational Personnel Education Institutions (LPTK), FTTE UMM is always active in innovating in the learning process in the classroom implementation of internships. "Online PLP is an inspiration for FTTE UMM to guide students to be able to do PLP even though they do not have to study, observe and discuss directly with partner schools because we are the ones doing online platform-based," said Drs. Nurwidodo, M.Kes., Head of the PLP and Microteaching Unit FTTE UMM, while giving PLP training to Lecturers and Field Supervisors as well as all PLP participants virtually via Zoom and YouTube.

Online PLP has an extraordinary advantage, namely that all implementing parties can implement it without any meaning. This is clear because of the preparation, commitment, integrity, and responsibility of the personnel who are directly or indirectly involved in implementing Online PLP 1. "Online PLP 1is none other than the attention between Internships 1 and 2. It focuses on the process of validating the flow of education and how the process is ready for learning," said Aninda Nidhommil Hima, S.Pd., M.Pd as the coordinator of the PLP implementation.

FTTE will always strive to the maximum extent of reforms such as the implementation of PLP 1 but also other academic services so that students get the best quality service and eventually they can become professional educators. (*Sin)
